so often asked
where do you get your creativity
i must say i come by it honestly
this is a picture of my mother's family
The Griffins
(a strong, loving, Christian family)
in this picture i am the baby
in the sweet stroller
photographer, dairy farmer, oil man, rancher, preacher,
school teacher, border official, book keeper,
boat builders, musician, doctor, seamtress,
artists & greats cooks
the list goes on & on with each
generation added
and i must say, i feel that
my skills come from my
beloved daddy
craftsman, artist, photographer
& maker of magic
my adult children possess many
of his skills & talents
he'd certainly bee proud of them
(as i am)
recently i toured the
Waco New Tribune museum
i was impressed by the size
of the displayed history of this
this is a copy of the picture that
tells of the photographic talent
John Bennett Photo
he saw the history of waco
through the lens of his camera
how i miss him